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There are many policies that guide how we do things at Freeman CP School. Some policies are managed by the school and some by Children’s Endeavour Trust on behalf of the school. On this page you can find links to all school and Trust policies.

Key Trust Policies
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Whistleblowing Procedure
Charging and Remissions Policy
Admissions Arrangements 2023-2024

Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

School Policies

Trust Policies
The Trust provides approximately 50 policies and procedures for the school which are availble on the Trust web site (click here).

List of Trust Policies

 Abuse, Threats and Violence Towards School Staff Policy  Gifts and Hospitality Policy
 Acceptable Use of ICT Policy  Grievance Policy
 Admissions Arrangements  Harassment and Bullying Policy
 Appraisal Policy  Health and Safety
 Attendance Policy  Leave of Absence Policy
 Business Continuity Plan  Low Level Concerns Policy
 Capability Policy  Members, Trustees and Local Governors' Payment of Expenses   Policy
 Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy  Menopause Policy
 Child-on-Child Abuse Policy  Pay Policy
 Code of Conduct for Employees  Privacy Notice for Staff and Volunteers
 Code of Conduct for Governors  Privacy Notice Parents and Pupils 
 Code of Conduct for Trustees  Records Management Policy
 Complaints Policy  Reserves Policy
 Data Protection Policy  Risk Assessment Policy
 Designated Teacher for Looked-After and Previously Looked-   After Children Policy  Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy
 Dsiciplinary Procedures  Sickness Absence Management Policy and Procedure
 Early Career Teachers Policy  Stress, Mental Health and Well-being Policy Children
 Educational Visits Policy  Stress, Mental Health and Well-being Policy Staff
 Equality Policy and Objectives  Supporting Children with Medical Conditions Policy
 Exclusions Policy  Tackling Extremism Policy
 Finance Policy  Trade Union Recognition Agreement
 First Aid Policy  Travel and Subsistence Policy
 Flexible Working Policy and Procedure  Use of Reasonable Restraint Policy
 Food Allergy Policy  Virtual Governance Policy
 Freedom of Information Publication Scheme  Whistleblowing procedures
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